Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mission miracle from Sora Kella Larson

Yesterday we had a morning of "street contacting" The whole time I was just praying to Heavenly Father to bless us with somthing. We walked into a park and there was a girl sitting on a bench and she was eating so we didn't want to bother her. We continuted through out the park and nothing. No one would really talk to us. We decided to go back through the park one more time. The second time we went through the young girl was still sitting down not eating so we went over to her. She actually had had contact with the church. She knew about the Book of Mormon and asked us to explain it to her. Sure we can!!! It was a really cool lesson. I was so grateful to Heavenly Father for putting her in our path. For giving us a tender mercy to help us keep going.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mission Miracle from Elder Thomas Letham

Spiritual Experience: We had an appointment to meet up with someone at the park at 11:00 on Friday. Well, he didn't come. It tends to happen. But this time we figured that we must have been there for some reason, and we just stood there at our meeting place, greeting all of the people who walked by. One of them, after we said hi, slowed down, and replied. We asked him how he was doing, and he came over and had a conversation with us which led into the Book of Mormon, which led into us going over to his house the next day for a lesson. The coolest part was not only that we had been put there at that time, but also that he had. He lives very close to the park that we met him at, and he was on his way to the store. Usually he goes around on the streets, but today he felt like he should go through the park. He felt like God had led him to us, and I agreed. He came to church yesterday, and is a very serious investigator.