Friday, March 27, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder Cody Holmes

March 9, 2009

After hearing Elder Oaks, when we headed back home, I started feeling cruddy and we didn’t even get home till 12:30 that night. I couldn’t get to sleep and it was really hard because I felt really sick. But as I showed the Lord that I would sacrifice, I woke up at 6:30 still and that whole next day was probably the best day I have had here. Inside my body I felt like I had the flu, but I had enough energy to work and talk to everyone. That day we set up with so many people on the street and had a good district meeting and had two good lessons. We even got let into someone’s house to teach them and we will go back tomorrow. It’s incredible because when you show the Lord that you will sacrifice to do the slightest thing, He will bless you immensely. That was a miracle I saw this week. It was a testimony builder.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder Nathan Moore

March 16, 2009

My miracle this week took place on a personal train. An old Romanian woman sat across from me, and we had a great conversation. We talked about Romania, work, family, and friends. The conversation turned when she told me about her son, who had passed away 2 years ago. I shared with her my family's experience after my father passed away, and how prayer and embracing the gospel had helped us through the troubled times we had faced. She didn't want to give us her information, but she took a pass along card, puped us, and went her way. I do know the spirit touched her, and I know that if she doesn't contact us, when the time comes that missionaries knock on her door, she'll welcome them in. One step at a time the work moves forward.

Mission Miracle from Sora Kara Staley

March 2, 2009

This week I gained a testimony of good planning. On Friday, we had a very busy schedule. Literally, we were running to and fro. On top of that, Sora Benson and I lost one another for a short time. I got off the tram vai, and she wasn't fast enough. I watched it drive ride away, and couldn't help but laugh at her helpless facial expression when she realized that we were being separated! We obviously found each other again, but that set us back by about 10 minutes. Because our schedule was so carefully mapped out with traveling time and all, we were worried. Still we prayed for the Lord to help us make our appointments of the day. He did. But that is not the point of this story. Because the day was so full, I didn't see how we would have any time to do our contacting for the day. However, before our visit with Sora Stoica, the Lord allotted us about ten minutes. Time was short, and the streets were empty. We accidently walked one street too far so we had to turn around. As we did so, we saw some youth and gave them English flyers. One of the girls was asking a lot of questions, and then finally she said, "I'm interested in the English, but honestly, I'm more interested in your church." She continued, "This January I went to my priest for confession and He was rude. He said he couldn't help me. I don't believe that is right. I want to believe that Christ can forgive me for my sins. Do you believe that He can?" How golden right?!! Point is, because we'd prepared a full day, the Lord put someone in our path who potentially could be someone to teach. I know when we plan well, He sees we're ready to work. It's much better to be busy, than to block out a huge chunk of time for contacting.

Mission Miracle from Elder Benjamin Miles

February 23, 2009

The first miracle was Valentin. I meet him two transfers ago and he told me that he knew everything about the church and that he had read all the standard works of the church. So we started meeting with him and he was progressing really well! Then my phone was stolen and I lost his number. So this Monday before transfer meeting my companion had some stuff to do on the computer at the church and I didn't want to just sit there and watch him so I went outside to contact people. I was standing there and a guy started to stare at the church and then he came up to me and stated asking me about the church and about why there are so many churches. We had a really good discussion and I gave him a Book of Mormon and got a phone number! And them when I went back to go in, who do I see coming down the street-- no other than Valentin!! He came because he had tried to call me and get a hold of me and when he couldn't he came to the church and so we met with him this week and talked about baptism. He accepted March 1st as his baptismal date and we also set up a program of the things we need to do to get him ready! So we are praying that he will go through! We talked with him about what we need to do to get him ready for baptism and he was ready to do all of it!

Also, this week we were in the blocks and we got into a bloc and knocked all the doors. When we finished, we hadn't gotten in any doors and it was 8 o'clock (The time we usually start to head home!) But we felt that we should get into one more bloc and so we did and at the second door some one let us in and we had a great discussion and he accepted a Book of Mormon and said that we could come back. He was this really open old man who loves to ski! His name is Lord Liviu! Very nice man and very open. It was a tender mercy of the Lord that we were able to teach them! I have really learned that the holy ghost works through our desires if you have a clean and pure heart he will give you desires that will lead you in the write direction. When we got out of that block I just had a desire to keep block knocking, it was a want with in me. It was an impression or a voice it was a desire to do something and when I did it I had miracles! I have had that happen many times on my mission. When I want to find people the Holy Ghost doesn't tell me go and do this no. All the sudden I want to go to a park or to the center of town. Then when I get there I find someone. As Nephi said, That after he had heard the words of his father he desired to know about them. I know that when we have the desire to do good the Holy Ghost is guiding us!

Also this week we got a referral from some elders of this kid named Ionuti( johnny) And so he called us up and he came and met with us last night!! it was such a great discussion and he is super open. He told us the reason why he stopped the elders was because he wants to get closer to Christ and so he knew we could help him. We talked about the Book of Mormon and how it can help him in that process and we also invited him to come and listen to Elder Oaks because he is coming to Romania on Wednesday! So, we are really excited to be working with him! He is a true seeker of the truth and wants to get nearer to our Savior!

Next Miracle! This week we went with the branch president and visited a member who has recently reactivated and his wife was there and we had a lesson with them and it went amazing! It was so wonderful to have the Branch President, President Zarif, because we were able feel his love and concern for the members and the spirit was so strong! So we are going to start working with this man and his wife and son!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder Zachary Bunting

February 23, 2009

After church we went back to someone in the blocks that had told us we could come back on Saturday. Her name is Mirela, and it was seriously probably the second best first lesson of my mission, other than the one with Robert and Felicia (in Bacau). Every time we brought up a point that was clearly new to her, such as the need for prophets, the falling away of the church, or finding out the truth, she would stop and think about it really hard, then say, "you're right" and proceed to explain her thought process. She said that we caught her at the right time, because if we had come 3 or 4 weeks earlier, she would have rejected us, saying that she's Orthodox. However, in the meantime she said that she has thought about it and wondered if there really isn't something more, that the fact that she was born in a certain church doesn't mean you have to remain in it. She knows she can ask God and receive answers. To me, one of the coolest parts of the lesson, which I realized afterward, was that after explaining the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, I don't know why, but I had her read John 10:16, and then I read to her 3 Nephi 15:17,21. A couple minutes later she said, "You know I was wondering why these things happened in America, because I had always heard about everything being in Jerusalem. I didn't really like it, but then you read that about Christ's sheep. You're right, I mean we're all His sheep (her own realization, not what I had said), so why would the truth only be in America, or only Jerusalem, or only Romania?" Like I said, I don't know why I read those verses, but now I know it was to help her understand God's love for all of His children. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost, who teaches so much better than I can.

Mission Miracle from Elder Derrick Schwartz

February 16, 2009

This last week I have truly seen 2 miracles in my mission. They are small things, but they have helped me and I have grown so much from them. The first one was when we were passing out English Flyers, Elder Patterson was on one side of the road, and I on the other, and I talked to a lady for about 15 minutes about the gospel and why I was here. It was great.... She grabbed my arm and tried to take me to her house right then, and I apologized and said we had an appointment that we were heading to.... I got her name and number and we will see what happens with her when we call her. The miracle was that I TALKED TO HER IN ROMANIAN all by myself and she understood me, and I her, for the most part.

The 2ND was yesterday in Sunday School.... Elder Rees came, and needed my companion to translate for the audits, and he planned the lesson earlier, and so he went, and I gave the lesson all by myself, not prepared, and it went well..... It actually was on Miracles too, and I noticed that it is really through faith that a miracle can be wrought. This last week I have wanted to talk to people more then what I have before knowing that I would grow more, and it has really come true. It also reminds me of Proverbs 3:5-6, that means a lot to me.

Mission Miracle from Sora Kara Staley

February 16, 2009

I was praying earnestly to find someone who we could teach. I wondered why the Lord wouldn't send us to those He knows are prepared. I told Him, "I'm here now...and I'm doing everything I can to be obedient." I finally came to the conclusion that I can expect great things if I'm willing to do my part. I told Him that I would muster all my courage and try to contact more people. If I did my best to talk more, I expected Him to guide us to one who is ready. As the day neared it's end, I decided that perhaps I hadn't fully done my part. However, still trying to be brave, we began block-knocking. Behind one door, stood a man smoking his cigarette and talking on the phone. He told us to wait while he finished the phone call. We began talking with him, and found out that he and his wife lost their adopted daughter when she was just four years old. Her death had killed them both. We testified to him that he could see her again, and that throught the gospel of Jesus Christ, we can be together with those we love for eternity. He just shook his head and said, "Who knows." But--his wife came home as we stood talking in the doorway. She held perfectly still and listened as we bore our witness. She invited us in, and we began a lesson on the Plan of Salvation, the purpose of opposition in this life, and of eternal families through the restored gospel. We then talked about how they can know it's true through reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. Victoria (the wife) began to cry and told us, "I want to know...I want to know." It was amazing for me to finally see someone who wasn't just curious, but really wants to know if she can see her daughter again. She'd truly been humbled by her afflictions, just like the people in the Book of Mormon who Alma and Amulek taught. Now she is ready to hear the word. It was a great lesson and I hope to continue working with her. The experience taught me that the Lord is so merciful, even when we fall short, He blesses us for trying.

Story #2: Sora Thompson and I went to the church for a lesson. As we waited our investigator to show up--which she never did--we decided to clean up the garbage along the fence line. As we were finishing, I noticed a man standing on the sidewalk watching us and staring at the building. He approached and asked, "What church is this?" Happily, we shared with him a brief lesson about our chruch and Sora Thompson ran into the church to get him a book. When she handed the book to him, he beamed! He told us that he'd seen the book before in English, and wanted to read it, but didn't know where to get it. He had no number for us to contact him and isn't from Bucharest (if I understood Romanian right) so we watched him walk away with a book and hope the Lord will take it from there. This is another example of how missionaries can be put in the right place at the right time.

I have one more story. We went through the ward roster in search of less-active members to visit. I saw a man who lives very close and asked Sora Thompson if we should try him. She had tried numerous times before and no one would come to the door. However, we agreed that it would be worth another try since he was so close. To our great joy, we found a wonderful old man with parkinsons disease, who cannot leave his apartment. He has a testimony of gold and was grateful for our visit. He told us that his birthday would be on Sunday, so we made arrangements to bring the sacrament to him. I have never appreciated the sacrament as much as I did yesterday, when I saw the Elders kneel on the rug in his humble apartment and provide a way for this man to renew his sacred covenants. Once more, I realized how blessed I am. It's wonderful that all I have to do is put on some shoes and walk to the church. Every week I am able to renew my covenants and be made clean again. This man had been without that priviledge for a long time so we were thrilled to provide him with the sacrament on his birthday!

I know that the Lord knows His children. No one is lost to Him. He loves us all very much and will bless us whenever we call on His name. I love being a missionary.

Personal Miracle from Missionary

I have offered a prayer to my Heavenly Father that the Holy Spirit will guide me and direct my thoughts as I express the miracles that have taken place in my life. I have had the desire to serve my Lord and Redeemer to help bring his children unto him ever since I have been a little boy. For several months prior to my service to my Savior I had the opportunity of working full time as a newspaper carrier. Due to the location and the early hours of the morning which I worked I had the blessing of staying with my grandparents once a week. I am their first grandchild and I have a special relationship with them. As a little boy I would stay with them often so memories came flooding back from my childhood and I felt like a little boy again.
I am grateful for their love and the values they live. They have raised two beautiful children one of which is my mother. She was baptized at the age of seventeen and is the only member of her family. I have great respect and love for my mother. I have seen how the richness of gospel has influenced her life and because of her faithfulness I have also been blessed. I have also felt the struggles of her heart as she desires so greatly to be with her family forever. Seeing her struggles and her pain has also caused me to suffer. However, I cherished the opportunity I had each week to be with my grandparents and share a spiritual thought. It was very emotional telling them I would be leaving to Romania but the last commitment I gave to them was to read the Book of Mormon during my two year service and find out if it is the word of God for it has the unique mission of turning the heart of men towards Christ.
Shortly after entering the Missionary Training Center in May 2007 I was told my grandmother had melanoma cancer and would not live until Christmas. I spent long hours on my knees praying to my Heavenly Father and asking Him why this was happening? I begged Him to spare her life. At length I came to the knowledge that working full-time as a carrier was not only a blessing financially but also allowed me to spend precious time with my grandmother, who I loved so dearly. He taught me to be grateful for all things and my prayers became soul searching answers. I learned that in order to gain greater faith would not mean life would be good with few trials or obstacles but in order to obtain it – means exercising it by having the necessary greater trials that will elicit the greater faith that I am seeking. I began to pray for the Lord’s will to be done. I knew whether or not I would see her again in this life I would see her in the next life and I was given that promise every time I knelt in humble prayer.
My thoughts have been turned to my last night at home as I spoke to my mom at the top of the staircase. She began to cry thanking me for all I had done for her parents and trying to share the gospel with them. We cried together and we made a pact to pray for them while I was gone so they would gain a testimony. In her last letter to me she wrote “You and I can pray that while you are on your mission they will somehow gain a testimony.”
I have often thought of my grandmother’s suffering and I asked myself why does she need to suffer? Why can’t you heal her Father? I know that you have this power? I have learned that as difficult as these situations are, I know in my heart as wonderful as it would be for her to be healed or to be blessed that the cancer or disease does not spread – what truly matters most is that these situations move her and each one of us to have a closer relationship with Heavenly Father, to acknowledge the power of the priesthood and the power of prayer and to move us to search more diligently for the truth. After all, does it really mean anything if a person is healed or spared pain or death and the person has no closer relationship with the Lord and Heavenly Father? What good is this for the person’s eternal progression after this life? I came to understand that her being diagnosed with melanoma cancer was an answer to our prayers.
I know that we are in the care of an all-wise, all-knowing, all loving Father in heaven. I know He wants to wrap us in His arms of love. He has taken good care of my grandmother. The greatest gift I was given this past Christmas was the testimonies of my family. What my grandmother shared with me is a miracle. She said “I know Jesus is the Christ is the Son of God; I know Jesus lives today and is always there for me. I have always believed in Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit since very young. My faith has grown stronger since my illness which was diagnosed in May of ’07. I know without a doubt, Heavenly Father lives and without Him I could not have gotten through these past eighteen months. I know all things are possible when you ask Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus. I have learned to ask, and even beg at times, for His help. This has been a difficult time for me but when I go to the Lord in prayer I get a sense of peace so I know He is there. I have learned a great deal about prayer but one of the most important things I have learned is to listen what the Lord is sating to me. I know He hears all prayers and answers all prayers. We may not always get the answers we want but I keep trying and listening.”
The doctors say she is a walking miracle. I spoke with her at Christmas and she looks forward to seeing me in a few months. I pray she will continue listening to the guidance of the spirit that she will enter the waters of baptism so she can partake of all the blessings her Heavenly Father has prepared for her. I know God has not ceased to be God that He is a God of miracles, for she is an evidence of this. I know that He has a living church and has called a living prophet. I know He has restored His sacred Priesthood. I know the Priesthood of God is exercised on a daily basis in leading His church and blessing the lives of individuals. I love my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ with all my heart. I praise them and I look forward to the day I can kneel before them and wet their feet with my tears and thank them for what they have done for me, my family and my grandmother. It is in his sacred name I take and wear each and every day. I will always be grateful for Him and His sacrifice. It is His name I will glorify and always glorify is my prayer. In the sacred name of my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, amen.

Mission Miracle from Elder Alden Campbell

February 16, 2009

We met up with Familia B.j on friday to go to have a lesson with Elisabeta. We taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ using 2 Nephi 31 and Alma 7. The spirit was super strong. Eli (her daughter and Mircea's wife) helped us by explaining how the gospel has helped and does help her in her life. Also, Mircea helped us out by telling her that he was doing and experiencing these things as well. I love it...members and investigators teaching investigators. Perfect. She used to be against Eli when she got baptized but now she is happy and has had a change of heart and she wants to know and is accepting the gospel like a kitten drinking warm milk. She has come to church 2 times in a row now. She will get baptized. Back to the lesson...I love teaching by and with the is the only way. God truly does put words into your mind and he blesses you with the gift of tongues in abundance when teaching. It is amazing.

A couple of weeks ago I came to the realization that every BOM that is accepted...will eventually lead to a baptism. (A narrow point of view would say no...but in reality it is very true). The BOM needs to be shouted form the rooftops! Every one will lead to a convert baptism. great huh!?

Mission Miracle from Elder Christopher Cantlon

February 15, 2009

I feel impressed to began my email with Moroni 7:36-37. “Have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved? Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain.”

I am grateful for the promises made in these verses. I am grateful that we are always surrounded by heavenly beings and we always have the promise of having the Holy Ghost to be with us as long as man shall be upon the face of the earth. I know miracles continue to happen and that Heavenly Father loves us and as we turn to Him that we will come to understand His will.

This has been the week of miracles for us.

Thursday I went on a short exchange with Elder Grant. We went to the hospital to visit Corina. Before entering we had to put on white robes. Corina is 40 years old and has a very special light about her. We sang „Be still my Soul” This song has become one of my favourite songs and I feel impressed to include the lyrics. After singing to her we asked her if she would like a blessing and she thought that it would be a great idea. Elder Grant administered the blessing and it was beautiful. It was very humbling being in white doctor's robes and laying our hands upon her head and administering to her at the Savior would administer unto her. It was a very amazing experience and something that I will always cherish. Corina was unable to come to church because she is still in the hospital. She had a dream that she needs to break up with her boyfriend and that the Orthodox is not true. She knows the Book of Mormon is true but she is not sure if the church is true. She is praying about being baptized March 8th. She is a great woman

Saturday we had Priesthood session for all the priesthood holders in Bucuresti. There were about 20 men that attended but it was a great meeting and I was impressed by all three of the speakers. I would like to share what a member of the District Presidency shared.

He spoke of communism and how the people wanted their freedom and liberty. He said that the people here did not understand nor do they understand what liberty means. He said the people wanted their freedom from communism and they gained it but he said that freedom does not mean giving up something it means putting our trust into something. He read the 13th article of faith. „We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

He said that liberty is seeking and putting trust into things that are virtuous, lovely and of good report. He said that liberty is becoming honest, true, chase and benevolent. He said it is our freedom to seek after these things. He said simply giving something up does not mean you have liberty. He gave the example I can give up my friends because they are not good friends. Or he said that I can seek after that which is good and pure and it is their decision if they want to follow. They can use their liberty to also follow that which is pure and good.

He also compared the people of Israel and traveling for 40 years to the amount of time Romania was under communism. Romania was under communism dominion for just over 40 years. He drew a connection to the people of Israel and said it was the children that ultimately realized they were traveling in circles and sought after that which was good and pure. He said that you are the children that also realized things need to be changed. He said you can wait for your children to make a difference or you can make a difference now. It was so amazing. I have not been that spiritually fed in a priesthood meeting in Romania I believe in my whole mission.

Another miracle involved a girl that we met on the train to Craiova. We had Elena S. (a member) help us and they became instant friends. It was very humbling taking her to the church. It was humbling how we met her on a train to Craiova and we were not planning on going there. It shows me the Lord knows all things. After Anda we had a lesson with Riad. He is an Assyrian man that was a former investigator that had a baptismal date in December. We set up with him and asked us if he could meet us at the Hilton hotel. We met him there and said he has a great desire to change and wants to meet us more often. He said that he wants to be baptized June 1st. I consider that a miracle from the Lord. We talked about the God head how Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate personages but are one in purpose and unity. We testified that Heavenly Father has a body of flesh and bone which is glorified and perfected and that we can become like Him someday if we do our part. He is a great man and we are meeting wit him again on Wednesday.

Church was another miracle. We have been averaging about 60-70 people at church each Sunday since I have been in Bucuresti and on Sunday we had almost 100 people... 94 to be exact. We had almost 10 people that had not been to church in almost 15 years. Some did not even know there was a chapel. It is my goal to speak to everyone on Sunday and use their name and see how they are doing. It is very difficult but I know how much it means to them and I spoke to at least 7 people that have not been to church in 14 years. We also had 10 investigators at church. The sisters had a beautiful family show up from the blocs. I taught them in the investigators class. We had two people show up who we contacted last week in front of the church. We had a mother bring one of her daughters who is not a member and her child. It was amazing.

A member of our District Presidency stood up at the end of Priesthood and said Fratele D. was paralyzed this past week. He then asked, “Who is coming with me this week to visit him?” It was amazing as one man put up his hand and said I will go with you. He said how many of our brethren are not here. He said who is not here who was not here last week. I think maybe out of the twenty Priesthood holders present only 2 knew. Most of the missionaries and I knew everyone that was not there. He said “What is a quorum.” He said a quorum is united. He said the amount of people in a quorum does not matter. He said there can only be two members and they will still be a quorum. He said what matters is whether or not they are united. He said why did the Lord tell the apostles to love one another. He said because he knew if they did not they would not be a quorum. I had never even thought about that. He said we are not here to read from a book. We are to love those around us and bring them back to church. He said we are not united right now. He said you need to be doing your home teaching, he said you need to know who is not here and go and get them because that is what the Lord has commanded us to do, to love another. He said we show our love by going out and getting them. I had goosebumps on my arms. All of the missionaries were ready to stand up and clap. We all have been waiting for this for a very long time. I came to realize that we should take the time in Priesthood and talk about those that are not present and make sure those that are not present get a call or a visit and talk about those that are less active. That is what we do for district meeting and that is what should be happening through out the church. We must be applying the things we study and learn in order to help the brethren that are not coming to church. I was spiritually fed and felt like the things I learned in that meeting would bring miracles for the people here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mission Miracle from Sora Krista Gibbons

February 15, 2009

I knew the baptism in Piteşti was coming up so I put in longer or at least more dedication to my studies, especially language study. I prayed daily with the ability to understand if not feel the spirit. The answer came quicker then I had hoped. It was wonderful to see your wife's smiling face, and meet your daughter. To my great fear The Assistants were needed elsewhere and Sora Kiss-Maxim was needed in Primary which left me to translate for your daughter and wife. Fear hit me like a brick wall. I saw a member in our ward who speaks English, and asked her if she would do it, she said she did not want to. I heaved a fearful sigh. I said a prayer in my heart, asking the Lord to help me, a simple and powerful response, of course my daughter you have put forth the effort let me help you reach the top. I understood more out of that meeting and even though I feel for Sora Lundberg and your daughter who probably did not get much out of my translation, or the lesson, my worries drifted away. I thanked the lord for helping me, but also asked him never to do that to me again, I not ready to translate. I then moved to help with other things. The baptism came, and my mind fought to translate, fear once again came would I understand any of this. After the baptism ceremony, it was time for testimonies. Luci stood up to bare her testimony my mind got ready for the struggle of translation. TO my surprise I understood it all with only a few struggles, It was as if she were speaking to me in English. I felt so drained and tired from my spiritual experience but at the same time I wanted to go out and teach and work hard. We had a lesson later that night, and once again I was struggling to speak and keep up. But it was as if the Lord knew I needed that glimpse of heaven, that glimpse of what my hard work could produce. My birthday is this week, and I lied in bed wondering what it would be like. I have never not had a family member with me on my birthday, in fact last year was the first one without my mother. And I would like to share with you what my wonderful father in heaven shared with my in my prayers. "Am I not your father, Is Jesus not your brother, We have been there for every-up and down, for ever struggle, why would be dessert you now, why would we, your family, not lift you up when your heart is low. I have sent you to your brothers and sisters in Romania. The next morning we packed in so many appointments, that I don't think we have time to breath.

Mission Miracle from Elder John Wilde

February 15, 2009

My companion and I have just been working hard to do the best we can to find another family or anyone that is interested in the gospel. On Monday night we went over to the B. family (part member family- Mircea- non member father, Eli- member, Evei- non- member 10 year old daughter who wants to get baptized really badly but only by her dad) where both the grandparents and a cousin were there! We had a great lesson and then Eli's mom turned out to be very interested and so we set up again for later on this week with her. We returned and we had a GREAT first lesson where the Spirit was very strong. She told us that the night before we came over she had a dream where Jesus told her to come to Him and that all her hardships were coming to an end. Being surprised and happy we challenged her that once she knew that the Book of Mormon was true that she would be baptized, she obviously accepted. We then committed her to exercise her faith by coming to church (she has some health problems) knowing that God would support her. And so she did! I gave a talk on Charity and she said that she cried during it because she felt so "plin" (full). She also said that she had no problems whatsoever walking to church, or while she was there concerning her heart and lungs (which rarely/never happens)! It's just further testimony that our Heavenly Father rewards the faith of the honest heart and blesses His children who have a true desire to follow Him. I love this gospel. And now the whole family I'm sure is going to want to get baptized! I can't describe to you how grateful I am to be a missionary ---to be a part of the Lord's work of inviting others unto Him. It's a pleasure beyond any description!

Mission Miracle from Elder Alden Campbell

January 12, 2009

Sunday night was super amazing. So the cluster of streets that we were guided to through our "finding prayer" in the centru area (right by where the church is actually...and no, we had no idea because we were white-washed into our apt) is where we went to go contacting. We went out with the intent to block knock. Problem, there are no blocks there! So we went villa knocking again and did our best, but for the most part, to no avail. This was on Str. Episcopiei, the street that I felt super impressed about...where an investigator actually lives with whom we had a discussion planned in about 2 hours from then...again, we had no idea because we were whitewashed in here. So , we continued with this until we came to the street that Elder Wilde was impressed to write down. We were on the right side of the street and looked like the same old same old. So, we looked around and saw on the other side of the street a vila complex. One of the vila's had a bunch of lights on and so we decided to check it out. All the vila's but one looked super creepy and abandoned so we thought hey, let's try this one with the lights even though it seems like a party is going on. We ring the bell and a son comes to the door. He calls his father who didn't understand us at first and thought we coudn't speak romanian. The father races back into the house yelling for his daughter who knows some english and is racing all throughout the house all uptight that some english speakers are at his door. Meanwhile, the son had let us in....hahaha. So, we came into the front of the house in the hall. The father finally decided to let us into the living room because had no idea what to do with us. So, we come into the living room and sit down and start a conversation with his son and family friend and mother in law. We start explaining and answering their questions and then the father comes in and goes to the room across from us and turns on the tv with a smerk on his face. Meanwhile, my companion and I were teaching from the BOM, testifying about the Saviour and having a full on romanian conversation. This amazed the father and he turned off the tv, came into the room we were in and began to listen. Shortly thereafter his wife and brother came into the room. We taught, we testified and used the BOM. They asked questions but their concerns were answered and we had 8 people (6 of which were standing) looking intently at us as we taught. The Spirit had changed their countenances from ...hey what you got? hey...I like that, that sounds familiar. They took our books of Mormon and set up with us on Wednesday at 1900 wanting more copies of the BOM and to hear more. You see the thing is, we prayed to God for a family when we were planning where to contact with the maps just a day before. Let me tell you something. When I left that house I was more happy than I can ever remember being, to the point where I was jumping on the street, screaming and then singing "Glory to God in the highest!" God is a God of Miracles...I KNOW this. I think this was my first time ever in Romania teaching an entire family at once.

From there we went to the church, planned our next lesson with the familia S. for Wednesday and then went along to our next lesson with Dan's family. At first they told us that they didn't have time to read...didn't understand why there was a need for more than the 10 commandments, tithing specifically, and told us that they didn't believe in the prelife or the afterlife. We went forward after that to tell them that their real concern was actually that of if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if the BOM is a true book. Again, the Spirit changed their countenances and they listened. By the time we left we had developed a relationship of trust with them (just like with the other one we had just met with) and they agreed that we could come back to keep talking, and to read 3 Nephi 11.

The Lord is with us, this I know. He never leaves us. He guides this work and we CANNOT do it without Him or the Spirit.

Mission Miracle from Elder Alden Campbell

January 19, 2009

Well, this week was nothing but amazing and almost perfect! On Tuesday we had ZL/DL and then went back to a street that we had prayed about the first week we were here in Arad. This is the street that was the same on both of our lists. We had already tracted it but we felt that we needed to go back there because first of all there were vila's that didn't answer the first time and second of all if it was the only street that was the same it means that God had someone there for us to find. So we went was sweet. First of all, the first time we had gone there we were walking up to the first house and we talked to a lady that was walking to the house as well. She was the nanny and told us to go to the front door and she would send the mom of the family out to meet us. So, we go to the front door and the mom comes out and we give her BOM even though she kind of took it reluctantly. So, back to present...we knock the entire street again (all the doors that were unanswered last time) and to no avail. But here is the thing we knew that we needed to be there. So, we get to the one house again and we look at each other and I say that maybe it is the nanny that we need to meet with. My companion was like yes but it is kind of awkward to come back so soon ( a couple of doors). So, we prayed about it. After we prayed about it we looked at the house and both felt good and we both had in our minds "the nanny". So we go to the door and call the ringer. The nanny answers and tells us that the mom isn't home...and then we ask her if it would be alright if we could talk to her. She comes to the door and we talk for a couple of minutes and we related to her our experience about praying about to come back. She was grateful. Anyways, it turns out the mom had shown her the BOM and she had been reading from it when the kids were asleep! We got her number and she said that we could continue to talk. Later on in the week we called her and she said she couldn't meet but that she had read some more and she thinks it is interesting and cool. So...we will see.

On wednesday: We knew since Sunday that we would be meeting again with Familia S. tonight so we planned the best first lesson we knew how...and we had plans to bring them brownies and our family photos as well to get to know them better. So, we are pretty much contacting all day until then and yes have some "success". The time finally comes and we go to Familia S. When we first get there, there were only 3 people at home 2 of which we hadn't the time before! So now, the whole family gets home from being in town and there are 10 people! The 2 newbies are the daughters’ husband (super cool and open) and the Uncle's daughter. Ok, so we start teaching them our lesson. All is going well, they are asking questions and the dad and uncle are the most argumentative but the rest of the family tell them to shut-up and that we are right and that they want to listen more. So, half way through the lesson Simona (the mom) gets a call from her sister who lives in Florida and she wants to talk to me. So I take the call and answer all of her questions about Mormons and so on and then she tells me that for the past while she has been praying as hard as she knows how for God to send her family messengers to teach her family how to gain a real relationship with Christ! Meanwhile, they had asked my companion how in the world we chose to come to them out of all the homes and places in Arad. So he tells them that we had prayed to find out where God wanted us to go to find a family to teach. I hang up the phone and tell them what Simona's sister has just told me. Then, we testified that it wasn't a coincidence that we were here teaching them and trying to help them. The rest of the lesson went super well and we got to the Joseph Smith "story" and the spirit was amazingly strong. This is by far the best first lesson I have ever experienced (and my companion)...not only because of the Spirit being so strong but also just all the events that had lead up to that point and everything happening at once. It is absolutely amazing! They committed to read the reading assignment, pray to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if the BOM is true and also to come to church on Sunday! Again, we left the house flabbergasted and giving praises to God for His goodness and the fact that He truly is a God of Miracles!

Saturday we tried everything in our power to set up lessons and appoinments but no one set up so we had an entire day of contacting! It was sweet. this point we had done all we could to set up for Sunday having a family of 10 come. We co-ordinated with the branch leaders to have fellowshippers and so forth, we added a new row of chairs so they could sit...and all day saturday we fasted! We didn't know what else to do. We had called Familia S. to confirm if they were still coming. They didn't answer their phone on friday or saturday. was sweet because contacting is sweet!
So...yeah, the S. family did not come. It turned out that they had called us like 3 times but our phone was on silent because of Church. But they had had guests from la tara come into town unexpectedly and so couldn't come. We didn't know this so we had gone to their house and they told us...and they also set up for tuesday at 7!