Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mission Miracle from Sora Danielle Jones

September 4, 2009

This week was definitely a week full of miracles. It started earlier in the week when we met with a man that we had contacted the week before. His name is Daniel. We took a member with us and the lesson went really well. The miracle part was that at first his mother was closed and a little hesitant with us and interrupted a lot to talk to the member. But after some discussion she started listening really intently and they both listened really well to the First Vision. At the end of the lesson Maria, the mom was asking us about church and said they would be there if nothing interferes and that they would bring her daughter as well. Then the member offered to give them a drive to church because he lived really close. Really great lesson and really great people to work with. Sad part is that some visitors came over so they couldn't come to church, but we will get them there next week!

The second miracle is my favorite. It happened Saturday night. The Assistants dropped us off in the area where we had planned block knocking the night before. We walked a little way down and Sora Slaeman decided on a block. We got in and no one responded in the first few doors. Then on the fourth door a lady answered and got really mad at us and told us to leave urgently. We just moved to the next door down the stairs but she didn't like that so she came out and pushed us down the stairs and out the door.

Well, we had more time so we just went to see if we could get into the next set of doors. The first door that we rang into the lady asked us who we were and we told her that we are the LDS missionaries. She said, "Ok. I'll let you in but just come up to my door don't knock on any other door." So we went up and she let us in. I was a little hesitant because I have had situations like this. They let you in and then realize you aren't who they thought you were and kick you out. But that is not what Florica did. She had us sit down and gave us some nice fruit tea and told us why she let us in.

She said that just over a year ago she and her son had gone on a three week tour of the USA. For a couple of days they stayed at an LDS family's home in Dallas. They really liked that family and promised that when they go back and the missionaries from the LDS church knock on her door she would let them in. And so just over a year later that is exactly what she did. We gave her a lesson on the Book of Mormon and gave her one. We are expecting good things coming from them.

Ok third miracle story of the week happened yesterday. Sora Crista brought a life long friend to church. She loved it and invited us over for lunch after church. She speaks amazing english so we talked the whole time in english. Then her son showed up and we had an amazing lesson with them. They are really open people ready to learn.

Mission Miracle from Elder Truedsan Sandberg

August 19, 2009

We had a neat experience this week with a new investigator. We had met a young man on the street early on in the week and had set up a meeting with him and his parents for later on in the week. When we arrived at his home no one answered. We were a little discouraged and turned to leave. As we were exiting the bloc a man stopped us, shook our hands, and introduced himself. In our shock, we said hello and kept walking. Once we were outside we looked at each other wondering who that guy was. We wondered if he was a member or something but decided against that. We were about 50 meters away from the block when Elder Zemp turned to me and said, "man, God is probably shaking his head at us right now and saying there goes another baptismal date." At which I said, "what do we have to lose--- let's go back." We went back, but to our dismay the door was locked. We turned around thinking well at least we did our part when the door opened and the man called us back. He asked if we wanted in and we told him we had actually come back to talk to him. At that point he was beaming and began to tell us about how he had been looking for a place to be baptized and how we had come at "timpul potrivit." He invited us in to his apartment and we had a great lesson and gave him and his sister a tentative baptismal date at the end. We're hoping to solidify this date at our next appointment with them. It was a reminder to me about how the promptings of the spirit work and the need for us to always be attentive to the still small voice.

Mission Miracle from Sora Danielle Jones

August 14, 2009

We are teaching right now two young girls and their grandma. They will be getting baptized this Saturday and they are excited. The miracle is watching the grandma, Iuliana, grow and change her life. She is one of the most humble people I have met. Just after the missionaries started teaching her and her granddaughters just over a week ago she heard that we don't drink coffee. Just because she heard that she stopped drinking coffee and hasn't touched it since. Then when we taught her tithing she pulled out her money slips so that we could show her how much she should pay. She kept saying over and over that she is going to pay it as soon as she gets it which means this Sunday when she gets confirmed. She is an example to me of obedience with out asking why.

I love this family so much. I overheard the girls' mom yesterday at church talking to another member. She was talking with another member about going to the temple. She said that in a year she will get to go and now that her daughters and mother are getting baptized she can go with them and be sealed with them.

It amazes me how important one person can be in this world. One person’s righteous actions blesses the lives of so many others.

Mission Miracle from Sora Kara Staley

August 2, 2009

I told you last week about Sonia--the young atheist girl (18 years) we met block-knocking. She's been keeping all her commitments and trying to pray. She agreed to come with us to church a few days ago, but then yesterday morning, she called and said she wasn't feeling well and that we'd have to try another time. We happened to be fasting for Sonia to get a response and this seemed like a terrible thing to happen in the mist of a fast! I was of course frustrated, knowing that Satan would try something like this. I left the room to be alone and knelt in prayer. I plead with my Heavenly Father, telling Him that we needed a miracle. I explained that I know all people have their agency, but that I was fully aware my faith could get Sonia to church. I acknowledged that though I do not fully comprehend His plan for Sonia, I know that her presence at church could not possibly be against His will. I told Him that if Alma could pray and get an angel sent to stop his rebellious son, I knew He could do a miracle for Sonia. I asked for guidance and promised to act promptly. When I stood and re-entered the room where I'd left my companion, I found her on her knees praying too. When she finished, I said, "Get up. I think we should go get her anyway." That's exactly what Sora Gibbons was thinking.

We left for Sonia's house. All the way up the cobblestone hill, I prayed to be guided in how to break the news to her that she WAS coming to church. We walked at a determined pace and spoke little. Doing something like this is really scary. The door to the block was magically open so we didn't have to ring doors to get in. We climbed the stairs to the top and catching our breath, knocked on the door. She ignored us. I called her and said, "Sonia, come to the door." She let us in and with all the courage I could muster I said, "I know you don't feel well, but we know God wants you at church. Can you get some clothes on please." My companion promised she'd feel better if she came. "How long do I have to get ready?" she asked. I told her ten minutes. With wide eyes, she hurried into her room to get ready.

We barely made it to church on time. Ashley (the BYU girl who passed out while giving her talk two weeks ago) was given another opportunity to share it in Sacrament meeting. Much of what she said really touched Sonia's heart. Crazy how the Lord works huh? During the next hour, the lesson centered on the Plan of Salvation and Atonement. All were in tears because of the spirit that filled the room. Towards the end, Sonia raised her hand and began by telling everyone to stop crying or she would cry. She then proceeded to explain how grateful she was to be at church. She said it was the first time ever in her life. She talked of her desire to have a better relationship with her parents. She mentioned Nefi in the Book of Mormon, and how she's begun to believe that like him, maybe she could put her trust in something larger and/or someone wiser than herself. She spoke of the desire to change and have faith.

After church was over, Sonia brought up her own commitment follow-up. She said she hasn't received an answer but that she got an interesting idea. The thought came to her that maybe God was slow to answer her prayers because she had been slow to call on Him. She said, "He's waited 18 years for me to talk to Him so how can I be mad when he doesn't answer me right away? I'm going to be patient now and wait for Him to answer back." We told her that IS an answer. She now continues praying, with the hope of a warm response like we promised her, but with the knowledge that the Lord will answer in His own way and in His own timing.

It's amazing how a girl who wondered a week ago if God existed, could have such faith in Him already!

Mission Miracle from Elder Brian Foote

August 2, 2009

A quick miracle story was the great evening we had Friday evening. We had been having a little bit of a new investigator drought for the past several weeks, but on Friday we decided to go more to the north area of the city to block knock. We entered our first block and the 3 door let us in. We had a lesson with an older lady with one of her daughters. They set up for a little later on Tuesday. Then about 4-5 doors later we had another lady let us in. The lesson went well, but unfortunately she will be gone for about a week, but we got her number to call her this Saturday. In the same scara we had one other lesson, and one in the next one as well. The peoples' hearts were just more open that night and they all seemed to be letting us into their homes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mission Miracle from Sora Nofa Slaeman

July 20, 2009

Miracle story: All week I prayed every night for a miracle to happen and our lessons kept falling through. No one would meet and I was starting to get a little discouraged. I did not like that we were weekly planning Sunday night instead of finding people. As we were planning, the phone rang and a lady said we needed to go visit her and she has met with missionaries before but we found no record of her. However we went to her house and her husband was there and another 2 of her friends. They were 2 amazing families who called us and they really needed the gospel. It brought tears to my eyes. I knew God had answered our prayers. IT was my miracle!

Mission Miracle from Sora Krista Gibbons

July 13, 2009

Miracles: We were having a hard Sunday afternoon, of street contacting so we went into the blocks, and then once again door after door of rejection. I could see my companion getting tired and down, so as we walked out I said, Hai staum pentru o min. So we found a banca and sat down. I asked why we do block knocking, and after several responses I said, Sora Staley remember the Bronze Silver and Gold, and how Elder Kapiska(?) said that we could be a part of turning Romania into a light? What if we are called to more plant then reap. As we thought about this and discussed how we could be the best at it. Three little children stopped and said, hey you were just in our block. We began to talk to them and it was cool. We then went into a near by block and the children followed us and helped with our block knocking. It was tons of fun. Then walking home we both felt very promoted to talk to this young women. We will see Marti what comes of that. It was a fun experience.

Mission Miracles from Sora Amy Smith

July 13, 2009

Here's how we got Five new investigators when we only expected maybe 3:
One of our investigators that we've been meeting with for a month invited her friend to our lesson during the week, and we gave her a Book of Mormon. We started teaching her, too. I don't know if it will go anywhere but for now we are teaching them both. Talk about a “two for one-er”-- this week was full of those actually. Then we had something really cool happen. Last Sunday we were contacting in the park and we contacted these two guys in there 20's and I asked if we could set up to talk another time. They were like yeah sure next week, same place. I was like ok Saturday at 2:30pm right here ok? And I wrote it down for them, but when we left we were like, yeah right they were just being dumb boys, they are probably not going to show, but I was like well if they do, we will have two new investigators! So we went on with the week, and about Wednesday I get a phone call from one of them. I will have you know that is probably the first time that someone has ever called us back! I was in shock. He said I was just making sure this is your number and seeing if we are still meeting Saturday. I was like, yep we will be there! So that was surprising, but I didn't expect his friend to be there because he wasn't interested at all I didn't think. So we showed up Saturday and they both were there and we got two new investigators. He also came to church on Sunday so that was really cool. Then the other cool thing that happened was that last week, we met this guy who was 22 and going to law school. How we met him was at the bus stop. I just felt prompted to talk to him, but I was like what to say... so I asked him if he would do a short survey (5 questions we'd written in a notebook) and he was like sure and we started talking and found out that he wants like proof God exists and stuff and we talked on the bus and he's like lets talk but not this week I have finals, so we took his number and told him we'd call him in a week.Well I decided to invite him to church Sunday and he couldn't come but we set up to meet later. He asked if his Girlfriend could come (YES!!) and so we had a lesson in the park with them Sunday night. 2 More new investigators. They are so cool too, I am excited to meet with them, but it is going to be hard. He is a smart kid that basically doesn't believe in Faith but we'll get him...we'll get him.... haha. Ok, so have you been counting, that my friend makes 5 new investigators for week one of this transfer. Talk about a miracle! It was really cool. The Lord will give you work to do if you are willing to do it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder John Hardman

July 5, 2009

We went with the sisters to an investigator that lives in our area so that we could begin teaching her. As we were talking together a neighbor kid was outside working and shouted in for us to come and visit his family too. So we asked him his address and as soon as the lesson was over we went and visited with his mom and another woman. He is one of 4 children and they are living with an older woman with 8 children. They were very receptive and are very nice. They immediately accepted a return appointment and are excited to meet with us again. Unfortunately, they weren't able to come to church this week, but we are excited to be teaching some families. I know that they Lord puts things and people in your path when you are earnestly striving to do what is right. I am so grateful to serve as his servant and to see His hand in the marvelous work of the salvation of His children.

Mission Miracle from Elder Derrick Schwartz

June 22, 2009

We have been working with a gentleman named Adrian, and he started investigating the church after talking with the missionaries and us being harassed by a passing orthodox priest. He fought with Adrian a little about how we were disciples of the devil, and then said you can go and listen to what they say. After this, Adrian gladly gave the missionaries his phone number while he was still there, and to the missionaries’ surprise, he set up with them. Elder Holmes and O'Connell were working with him, and many times Elder O'Connell and I found ourselves on exchanges and going together to teach him lessons. After getting through the restoration, plan of salvation, and the gospel of Jesus Christ, we talked a bit about the priesthood and the power that comes from it. He talked a lot about a disease that he has, and how it is really bad right now. It has kept him from working lots and he was not sure that God loved him. We reassured him and talked to him about that. He asked for a blessing, and being a 3rd and 4th transfer speaking missionaries, Elder O'Connell and I managed to get by with giving him a blessing. He knew English too, and so he said give it to me in English. So we did... He understood all of what we said, and we enjoyed the remainder of the time talking about family work, the church website and many other things. We left knowing that he would be in Russia for a month for work.
... Now he is back in Ploiesti and I had the opportunity of going and visiting him with Elder Smith on an exchange, and to see him doing well. He told us about his story of how he went to the doctor, and had a check up on his health condition. He was telling us of how his sickness was on this scale of health ration. Where mid 20's you are so healthy and athletic/exercising etc... And then in the mid 40's, it is a bad place to be health wise. His unfortunately was at 108.... NOT GOOD at all! He said that the nurse came in and checked his tests again to double check, but he IS NOW at 28. Meaning he is as healthy as a mountain hiker who goes out weekly.... CRAZY! He said that I was doubting having you boys do your interesting blessing thing, and all I could think about was that you were doing it and I was crazy for letting you. I know that I was healed by your faith. It had to have been a part of his faith that healed him too. Elder O'Connell and I fasted and prayed all would be well, and he is healthy and going and his life is not threatened by this disease currently. Adrian now has a strong testimony about the Priesthood and knows the power that it has. Both Elder O'Connell and I think that one day he will accept the gospel and will be a strong leader and missionary to the people here!

Mission Miracles from Sora Amanda Gibson

June 22, 2009

Ana Boci, is a referral from family Price. She's their elderly neighbor and despite her earlier excuses to them that her requests for information about our church were for 'the history', she's accepted us very well. The first time we met she said she'd heard the name before but didn't mention where. Then next time we took Sora Price with us. Doamna Boci was so surprised that we were connected. She was much more receptive. And as the lesson/discussion moved on we understood that she's been searching from religion to religion seeing what there is. So when I told her that in Joseph Smith's first vision Christ told him there wasn't any church that was truly Christ's her eyes got really wide. I could see how it took her back. She paid even more attention after that, and accepted an invitation to church and came. We're excited to meet with her again this week and in the future.
The second neat story is Mirela. She's a medical assistant that Sora Richards and I met on the street but lives in our neighborhood anyway. The first lesson we had with her was awkward but at the end of the second lesson with her she was a lot more open and friendly with us. She's excited to meet with us again.. even if it means her roommate will be upset at her.
And the third is Vali. She's a chemistry student from la tara. Sora Richards and I had a good discussion about many things the first time we met. She came to church that Sunday and really liked it. Then Sora Smith and I had an awesome lesson with our member friend Ana. We're all about 22 yrs old. She asked if she could take a Plan of Salvation pliant to show someone.. We gladly let her have one. We also showed her what she has to learn/accept/gain a testimony of before she can get baptized. It didn't phase her and she kept asking good questions about different topics. I'm so excited to meet her again and teach her some more!

Mission Miracle from Elder Zachary Bunting

June 21, 2009

On Sunday Marian set up a baptismal date for June 21, and I honestly had no idea if he could make it. He had only had one lesson, and leaves Monday morning 100km away to work for the week, coming home on Saturday night. Well, I think what happened next is evidence of "the Lord works in mysterious ways." On Wednesday night we were in the blocks and we got a phone call from Marian. He said that he was in Craiova and wanted to meet. So we went to the church and he told us that he had to return to Craiova to go to the hospital because his kidney stone became infected, and he couldn't work the rest of the week. We took advantage of this opportunity to meet every day, and he took advantage of the opportunity to read the entire Book of Mormon. He knows that it is true, and is so excited to be baptized. He said, "My entire family is against my decision. They say, 'We were born orthdox, and we must die orthodox,' but no one can keep me from doing this." He prays that over time they will change their opinion and open to the teachings he has learned. Now just the interview remains and he will be baptized on Sunday. I think the following two statements that he made will give you the best idea of who Marian is. One: "If we hadn't met in the park that day, I would never have learned these things or known about this church." The other, when we started to teach him about commandments, he said, "From the moment I started heading to this church for the first time I said to myself that I must keep God's commandments, and I intend to do that. If I hadn't made that decision, I wouldn't have come." He doesn't know when he's going to Italy (now France is in the picture too), but he is going to stay for three months at the most, and then return.

We also had a totally different type story. A young man we were teaching decided to hold off on baptism after having a discussion with his parents and a visit with the Orthodox Priest. Well, after I got off the phone with him right after church, I obviously was devastated and sad, to the point that I just wanted to mope around. But I knew that I needed to go out to work -- that I wouldn't get in a better mood by pitying myself or feeling sorry for us or for this young man, so we left. Being a Sunday, the streets are almost completely bare, but the first people we came across we contacted. This is what Elder Bednar talked about as a tender mercy of the Lord. When I was in dire need of a boost to realize that God has scores of prepared children here, he put in our path a couple. They were in their late 40's, and I said very briefly the message that we have, and I don't even remember the question I asked, except that it was about prophets. Ionel, the man, didn't answer the question I asked, but said, "We would like to know." Then his wife said, "We want to be on the Lord's side. When can you come to our home to tell us more? I have four children and I want you to teach them too; they are 23, 18, 15, and 1." Well, that single contact reminded me of the reason I am here; not for me, but for them.

Mission Miracle from Elder Alden Campbell

June 8, 2009

I just wanted to tell you of an experience I had on exchange with Elder Anderson.
It was amazing. We had a really good exchange. We planned out a decent day...covered all aspects of missionary work and got drenched in the rain storm! It was sweet. I want to relate an experience from this exchange though. He had asked me to teach him how to learn to be better at thrashing out the weefy people and concentrating on those who want to listen. I brought to his remembrance Alma 32:6-7 and then we talked about that for a bit. Near the end of the exchange it was starting to rain a lot harder and so Elder Anderson chose a block to knock. We went in to the block and no one was really interested. We got to this one lady who told us to go to her neighbor and that she would talk to us. We went to the next door and told the lady at the door that her neighbor told us to come talk to her. She said...are you Mormons...? Well yeah we said and then she invited us in and we sat down and started talking. She told us that she had been investigating the church for about 2 years off and on and had talked with the missionaries on numerous occasions. Before long it was apparent that she wasn't really interested as she would get up and complain about the lights or something else in the house. At about this time her daughter (about 40's..?) walks into the room and so we get her history too. She actually wants to listen to us and so while her mom was in the other room we talked to her. We discovered that she wants to know if the BOM is true but that she didn't get an answer and so stopped trying. We explained to her what was expected of her and what "her part" was so that she could do it. She accepted to read from the BOM and pray with real intent and keep coming to church (she had been coming for a while but had missed the last 2 weeks). Alma 32:6-7 was put into practice in to different ways. First of all, we left the door that said she didn't want it and went to the door that wanted it...then in a more "refined" way we stopped talking to the mom that "accepted" us and talked to her daughter...the one that wanted to receive us. It was a good lesson for both of us.