Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mission Miracles from Elder Tyler Sorensen.

June 8, 2009

I decided that these last two weeks of this transfer I had in Sibiu were going to be the best two I have had here and so far it has been. First of all, when Elder Kopiscke from the Seventy visited our Zone Conference, he asked us to look for males in the range of 17-23 to be “our replacements.” At first I was skeptical because they have the highest bung rate for me. In fact, Elder Eyre and I had 17 bungs in one week alone from people in this age range, but our Zone Leaders challenged us to pray to be received by the people so that is what I did. I can't think of one teenager who I attempted to speak to that didn't stop to listen at least for a minute, even if they were in hurry. That never happens and several stopped us and told us they did not live in Sibiu and were only there that day but wanted a Book of Mormon. Next we had the most lessons in one week I have had in Sibiu, and two less actives back at church bringing the total to 20 people at Church--13 members. 4 children, and 1 investigator ( I will talk about him later), myself and Elder Martineau. Sora Dancu and Marius Ciuca are coming back strong! Back to the investigator we had at church---his name is Ioan and Elder Holmes and I met him while on exchange knocking in the Villas Friday night. He is a true miracle story we were out knocking villas before a lesson and weren’t having much success, until we hit on Ioan’s gate. At first a little three year old girl answered the gate. We asked if her parents were home and she went and got her mom who said she had talked to our missionaries before and was interested in receiving a Book of Mormon, but did not really have time right now. But, she said you can talk to my Dad--- he doesn't have anything to do! So we asked him if he was interested and he said sure but nothing too big, so we shared a quick restoration lesson with him. At about the 15 minute point he stood up and said “So when and where do you guys have church?” We told him and he said “Ok, I will be there.” His daughter said, “You can't with your bum leg,” but he said “There is a bus. I can make it if I want, and then he basically closed the lesson. I didn't think too much about it, since people say they will come all the time and previous to him I have only had 3 people who had baptismal dates at church in my entire mission: Arabela in Galati, Doina in Bucharest and Carl in Arad. But Sunday rolled around and he showed and our more promising (so I thought) investigator didn't. This man stayed for sacrament meeting and loved it-- especially the sacrament. He wanted to stay for Sunday School but his paralitic leg was bothering him so we set up for later that night. When we went out to his house, he came to the gate with a huge smile on his face and we began to give a more in depth restoration lesson. As we discussed things, he indicated that he had already began to read the Book of Mormon and underline it and he felt the way I described the spirit when he read from it. From that I knew he was serious. We discussed Moroni's promise and what it means if it is true from the intro and how to apply his faith from Alma 32. Then I said what does it mean to have “real intent” and we talked about how we have to be willing to act on our response and follow Christ's example when we receive it. We then read about Christ’s example in being baptized in 2nd Nephi 31. He said following Christ’s example was getting baptized in his church and I said, “ Ioan, if you really find out these things, will you follow Christ’s example and be baptized in his church?” He said “I already feel it is true. Yes!” So we set him up for July 12. He said he likes things visually drawn up so we presented him with a baptismal calendar with the things he needs to study and when we would like to meet. He is awesome and right on track. Those are just a few of the miracles from this week!

I decided that I would put God to the test and I put in as much faith and Spirit as I could and these are the results! I know God fulfills his promises as long as we do according to his will like it says in D&C “I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise,” or in Mormon 9:7 “Ask whatever good thing believing that ye shall receive and it shall be done unto according to your faith!”

Mission Miracle from Sora Kara Staley

June 8, 2009

I have one exciting story for you. Aurelia (the two year investigator who said hi to you at the church) came to church this Sunday. She was sitting next to me and said, "Sora Staley, my heart is pounding. I feel so good. Can I bear my testimony?" I told her she could if she wanted so she went up and bore testimony of God's love and how she hopes the Book of Mormon is true. She began to cry and said, I feel so good here and I know that it is the Holy Ghost, just like the Sisters taught me. She pleaded with the members to support her and help her have courage to change. We made a baptismal calendar with her. She has come a LONG way from where she was. Yesterday she called us after church. I asked her what she'd been doing that afternoon and she said, "Reading the Book of Mormon." She then told me that she was out walking in centru and there were a lot of people there. She exclaimed, "If I had pamphlets I would give them to people. You should get over here quick. I want to do missionary work with you guys." So we went contacting with her yesterday evening. She gave away a Book of Mormon after helping me explain it to a woman. The Lord truly has a way of teaching people when they finally open their hearts! And that reminds me....On Saturday when we asked if we could meet before English she said, "I can't meet in the morning because I'm going to clean my house." She went on to explain how she was thinking and decided she needs a clean room if she wants to feel the spirit there. Who taught her that? I sure didn't.

Mission Miracle from Elder Benjamin Miles

Mission Miracle from Elder Benjamin Miles
June 8, 2009

Do you remember Hogue? He is the boy from Bangladesh who we met and how we found him was a miracle! But we found out that he was a Muslim and the church has a policy that in order to teach Muslims they have to meet and be interviewed by our mission president. So we never thought that Hogue would be up for an interview but on Tuesday, he came up to the church and was interviewed by our president! Hogue loved the interview and we got to meet with him the next day and the lesson was incredible. He said that he had prayed about our church and that he had gotten a response from God but that he wanted to know more about our church and so that was amazing! And he is so excited to meet with us! This is just an example that Constant Contacting works, I meet him in the bus and he is an amazing person. This is truly a miracle!

This week I had another miracle while my companion went with another companion to meet Houge for the interview. I went with another companion to do a little street contacting and I really didn't know where to go. I needed the Lord’s help. So my companion and I sat on a bench in the middle of town and we decided to pray and ask god where we should go. So we said the prayer and no sooner had I raised my head up than my answer came. I knew exactly where we needed to go! The Lord was clear--- go straight down the street! So that is what we did and we started contacting and it was going alright but nothing really special, Then I saw someone that I recognized come toward us. It was a man that I had met street boarding about 4 weeks earlier but when I had met with him the first time I had written his number down wrong and I hadn't been able to get a hold of him! So I asked him if he was still interested in hearing our message and he said yes. I got his correct number and we were able to set up with him and it was an amazing lesson and this for me was an amazing miracle. God led us back to him! God guided our footsteps-- it was an amazing miracle.

Also, along the lines of following the spirit we were in the bus the other day and I love to bus contact. it has always been a successful way of finding for me and I got into a bus and I wanted to know who to talk to and once again I had the distinct impression to sit down next to this one boy and talk to him about our English classes. So I did just that and he was very nice and after that he asked me what I preach and he told me that he wanted to learn about our religion and we had a great discussion about the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ. At the end I got his number and he was very excited about hearing about the Book of Mormon. Once again the truth rings true “Let the holy spirit guide” !
June 8, 2009

Also this week, we were coming back from an exchange in Ploesti. As I got on the train I heard someone speaking english so I got up and went to see who was speaking and it was a man from India named Sandeed. I asked him if I could speak with him a little bit and he said sure. The best part about this miracle was that before leaving Ploesti this morning I had had the impression to bring two English Books of Mormon and so I did and sure enough the Lord knew that I would have need of them and I spent the entire 3 hour train ride talking to him about the Book of Mormon. Sandeed really loved it and the other part that is amazing is that he is from Cluj and in that same day the senior couple from Cluj was on the train and coming back from Bucharest. So I got him hooked up with them and am hoping to hear how it is going with him! Another miracle.

This is anther cool miracle I was on my way to church this week and I saw a man and I've been doing everything possible to constant contact and to keep working to the max--- it is my sprint to the finish! And so I saw this man and I didn't have a lot of Time and so I decided that I would just invite him to church! And so I did and he came. He came and stayed for the whole sacrament meeting! It was just a testimony to me that diligence is worth it!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder Benjamin Miles

June 2, 2009

This week we had an amazing time finding. One morning Elder Ott and I spent companionship time studying about how to contact better, because the night before we had had a rough night in the blocs just getting rejected by everyone! So we studied and Elder Ott mentioned that we hadn't been referring to the Restoration and so that day when we left our house we were heading for the center of town and we were passing past this middle age man and the thought came to my mind let try out that contacting we practiced. So I stopped the man and I was going through my approach when I got to the point to ask him when we could meet again and he said well can we do the lesson now and I said well sure! And we sat down and said a prayer right there in a park and we had a great discussion about the restoration. It went really well and he invited us to come over to his house and asked us if he could invite his family and relatives and we said YES PLEASE DO! The more the merrier! So we set up with him on Wednesday and so we went over there and there were no joke 10 people in that discussion--an entire family! So we taught them twice this week and it was amazing and the coolest member of the family is their 17 year old son named Emanuel. He does all his reading and he even came to church this Sunday so that was amazing. He told me that he believes the Book of Mormon is true and so that was amazing! But I was so thankful for that blessing because for my whole mission I have wanted to kneel with an entire family and pray. It was an amazing miracle.

Also this week we finally found some service and we headed out to this little village which is next to Brasov and we helped a member build a house. We spent 4 hours shoveling and moving dirt and it felt so good to be able to do some more physical work. The even better part was that we got an investigator of ours to come with us to help us out. His name is Silviu, he is from America, but was born here and he came back to go to school. It was really cool because he is Romanian but because he grew up in America he speaks perfect English. We also had our first lesson with him about the restoration and it went really well and so we are hoping that we can turn him into an investigator before he leaves, because he is leaving for America on the 9th!

But the bigger miracle this week is this one. On Thursday I was at an activity when I got a phone call from the sister in my district. They had had something urgent come up and they needed to get to another city and so they were calling me to ask me if I could go to the bus stop to find out the time for the buses leaving the city. I grabbed another missionary and we headed to the bus stop to see the times. We try to bus contact and talk to as many people as possible whenever we can. So we were contacting people on the bus when Elder Wyckoff ( the Elder I was with) started talking to this lady. We had a neat conversation with her but she wasn't really interested. Then these guys got on that looked like they were from India and so I was like “sweet!” I can talk to these guy in English and I actually felt very strongly that I should talk to them. I hopped over to where they were and I started talking to one and they told me that they were students and that they were from Bangladesh and then the one I was talking to introduced me to his friends and his friend was really excited to see me. He hopped over and started asking me about my church and about Christianity! They had to get off so they handed me their business card and the one who was excited told me to call him! So I set up with him for Saturday at the church and he came and we started the lesson with him. Elder Ott started off by asking him what his background was with religion because we were assuming that he was Hindu. So he started to tell us his story. He told us that he was from a Muslim background but that he was familiar with Christianity because two of his brothers had been converted to Christianity by a missionary from Norway about 7 years ago! He told us that the Lord had given him many opportunities to serve the people of his countries because he, along with his brothers, had secretly translated the bible and other Christian literature in to there native language so that the people could have access to it. Then he told us that for a long time now he has been praying to God to help him to know what he should do because he is not with the Muslims or the Christians and because he was in Romania he didn't have any one to talk to and he had been praying to God for him to lead him to someone who could help him. He told us that when he saw us get on the bus that he wanted to talk to us but didn't know how and that when I contacted his friend he was super happy! He told us that since 1997 he has been looking for something but he didn't know what. We taught him the message of the restoration and he said he would pray about it. The spirit was so strong in the lesson and I know that this is an example of god lead his elect to his servants! This was a miracle-- a person seeking the truth was lead to it!

Mission Miracle from Elder Brian Foote

June 2, 2009

My miracle story was on Saturday. Friday we were walking around and I saw a block that I felt like we should go into. Unfortunately I ignored the feeling and we just kept talking to people on the street. Saturday we made our way over to the block and decided to block knock it. We didn't have much success at all, but there was one door that opened with a young lady and her daughter. We talked to them a little bit and they told us that they were a little busy at the time but we could contact them later. I know that they were the people that we were suppose to find in that block, and we just hope that they will listen to the promptings of the Spirit and will accept us when we contact them later today.

Mission Miracle from Elder Jakob Grimmius

June 2, 2009

The best moment of this week was when we met with Mihaela (one of our newer investigators). She read all that we gave her and more. She read all of Moroni and loved it. Then she told us that in between the first time we met her at the door and when we came back for a lesson, her grandfather appeared to her in a dream and said two boys would bring her a book and that the book was true and she needed to read it. So she has a testimony that the Book is true. We asked her to be baptized and she said she would like to come to church first. She couldn't make it this week because she is a single mom and had to work. We had a lesson about the Plan of Salvation and focused a lot on the Spirit World. We will review it next time and also have a lesson on Sabbath Day worship. She is able to meet with us two times a week for the moment. She is very open and wants to learn all that she can.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder Cody Holmes

June 2, 2009

On Tuesday night, we got home and started planning and I got this really huge desire to teach these people that we have met while playing softball. Earlier I had given them some invitations to our English classes and I had just gotten the sudden desire to teach them the gospel. I started to get restless and wanted to just go find them at that moment at like 9:45 at night but we couldn’t leave the house so my companion and I decided to kneel down and pray so that we could find them in the city and have an opportunity to teach them the Gospel. Well, literally 10 minutes later, we got a text from one of them, and it was a sister of one of the guys we invited to English. We called her back and talked a little on the phone and set up a discussion with her and her brother for the next day. It was really cool to see the Lord's help in bringing them to us. And even better, we have seen at least 7 of them in the past week and now two are learning the gospel from my companion and me and another companionship is teaching another one of the boys from the softball thing. The Lord truly wants to bless us when we have a desire and are worthy of the blessings.

Mission Miracle from Elder Nathan Moore and Elder Jarrick Tilby

June 2, 2009

It was pouring rain, and we were pretty much done for the day. There was still a good hour and a half left of good proscelyting time and we decided that despite the fact that we were as wet as we would have been had we jumped into a swimming pool, we picked a block and started knocking. I sincerely believe that people are more compassionate on the dripping wet Americans talking about the Savior than the dry bored looking Americans talking about the Savior. A little sniffle here and there doesn't hurt either.

A nice middle-aged woman let us in that has been looking for a good church but has been discouraged with the orthodox church she was raised in, and was completely turned off from the Jehova’s Witnesses. She let us in and we had a great lesson with her. We're really excited for her progress and my companion is especially excited that we are building our investigator pool. Maybe we'll pray for rain more often.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mission Miracle from Sora Krista Gibbons

May 31, 2009

After much talking and testifying, our investigator said he would not give up smoking and drinking. I went to work praying, studying and hoping to help him in some way. At our next lesson, almost a week later(he was very busy), he started out by saying he had done a lot of changing and has not smoked or had anything to drink in almost a week. We were so excited, and my heart was filled with gratitude of a Lord who hears the prayers and pleading of his servants.

Mission Miracle from Elder Bob & Sora Wendy Telford

May 31, 2009

The Sargsyan family are refugees from Armenia. They left Armenia due to religious persecution almost 7 years ago. They have been trying for the past 6 1/2 years to get legal residency here in Moldova. They have been to the courts on several occasions, they even appealed to the European Union Courts for help, all with out success. For the past few months they have been afraid to answer the door or telephone because the Moldovan Government was going to deport them. The daughter, Hasmic was not going to be able to graduate from High School, or attend University because they were illegal.

Three weeks ago we were discussing the upcoming YSA Conference in Prague and we were reminded that Hasmic would not be able to attend because she has no passport. I suggested that all of the Young Single Adults consider fasting and praying that the Lord would soften the hearts of the officials in the Government here that they would grant this wonderful family residency and allow Hasmic to attend the YSA Conference. We (the YSA's) decided to enlist the Elders and Sister missionaries in our fast and we reminded everyone a few times each week for the two weeks before the May Fast Sunday.

Last Friday, the family received a phone call to bring their paperwork to the immigration department and they will receive their residency permits this week. The Lord has answered our prayers. It has been a faith promoting experience for these wonderful YSA's and an opportunity to build upon this experience in teaching the doctrine's of fasting and tithing.

I have a testimony of the blessings that come from fasting and prayer, but this has made my testimony even stronger.