Monday, October 27, 2008

Mission Miracle from Elder Brian Foote

Elder Wilde and I were caught out on the streets without any missionary supplies at all. We had planned to make a couple drop- by appointments to visit with a couple of people, but they weren't home. We were thinking of what we could do, and we both felt that we needed to go visit a lady who works in a little store next to us. We have talked with her a little bit about the Gospel and encouraged her to come to English signups. She wasn't even suppose to be working that night, but was covering for a friend and was there. We were able to have a short little discussion with her and answer a couple of her questions. I think we really helped her be happy and brightened her night. This is just one of the many little stories that you probably hear every single week about how we do our best, but come up short, and then the Lord shows us His plan and we have a little more success.

Mission Miracle from Sora Rachel Cannon

I’ve got to tell you first that the miracles continue! The Lord knows so much better than we do what our investigators need. This week we had a lesson scheduled with an investigator, Simona, and had planned to meet together with her family, but the rest of the family couldn't be there. Anyway, the lesson took a totally different direction, and we both felt very guided in what to say to Simona and ask her. Because of that lesson, we know much better her needs and will be better able to help her progress towards baptism.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mission Miracle from Elder John Wilde

weekly miracle: We were on our way home and I felt that we really needed to go visit a sister who had been absent from church for 3 weeks ... We are her home teachers and called her the first week, I was sick the second and wasn't permitted to go to church, and the third I realized there was a problem. So we dropped by unannounced and she was in her bed. We spent over a half hour talking and came to an understanding of a much deeper problem than her sickness. We helped the best we could in solacing her and teaching her Gospel truths. It turns out the branch President hasn't been able to get a hold of her (phoning and visiting) and so the information that I was able to gain was a very big help for the branch president who had been worried about her. It was just exactly what I needed to do and where I needed to be at the exact time... The spirit is soo smart!

Mission Miracle from Sora Elizabeth Lovell

Janyela had just been baptized a few days before. Sora Jensen and I were having a discussion with a girl, Natalia, that we teach private English lessons to (I am usually very against that but we think she has potential) and we had come to the spiritual thought at the end. I was excited because last week had been a really powerful Plan of Salvation lesson. Anyways, We are talking with her about spiritual things and then suddenly Janyela came in and sat down and said, "Imi pare rau ca am interziat dar am avut o discutie aceasta dimineata." In other words "I'm sorry I am late, I had a discussion this morning." Yes. Thats right. Janyela basically has her own investigators (she even got bunged at the church the other day) and she proceeds to tell this amazing experience from that morning about how she was teaching a girl in Russian (which she has a hard time speaking but that was not going to stop her) and when she was telling the first vision even though there was a dark over cast, a bright ray of sunshine filled the room. "It was God confirming that what i was saying was true" was Janyela's reply. WHO IS THIS GIRL!!?? Last P-day too when we went to old Orhei Janyela wanted pamphlets so we could talk with people that we met about the gospel. She is a better missionary than I am!!! then Janyela was confirmed yesterday morning in sacrament meeting and WOW! She sat in on a discussion with us about tithing and blew me away with her knowledge and testimony and then she spoke at a baptism that was held in our chapel but for the Orhei branch and you would think she has been a member forever! The branch has stepped up and really fellowshipped her which is great (though i kind of missed having her with us more :P). Wow, this is unreal.
ANOTHER BAPTISMAL DATE!!! Oh man, so Mariana. She is one of my favorite people I have worked with on my mission. She is She loves swimming and reading and anyways...not super important. So, Mariana came in to the church one day a couple of weeks ago and asked about English classes. (I found out yesterday that she had just randomly been walking by and remembered signs about English and decided to come in) I told her when they are and she started coming to English, yippee. After her first English class I asked how she liked it and how she liked the spiritual thought and she just said she liked it and thought it was interesting but I did not push to get a lesson with her (I can not remember why...I am sure I had a good reason...). Anyways, later the week leading up to Janyela's baptism we of course announced in all English classes about church and the baptism and then on Sunday, Mariana was there!!! WHAT? Who does that? She loved it and thought it was interesting and she asked me "what does some one need to do to get baptized?" Still not convinced that she was yet another GOLDEN I grabbed my planner and set up with her to meet with Sora Taylor and I (on exchanges) Tuesday before English. We had the first discussion and it went really good. I loved her as a person and thought the spirit was there. Then the next day we met with her again. We talked about the plan of salvation and then reemphasized how to receive answers to prayers and she agreed with everything. In fact, she said she already got an answer. After the first discussion she said she went home like she normally would and started to turn her music on but then she felt she should turn it off. She plopped on to her bed and started reading the Book of Mormon and just felt so at peace and calm. Well...she knows its true so Sora Jensen responded, "We are having a baptism (Alina) on the 19th, would you like to continue to meet with us and prepare to be baptized as well on that day?" She thought about it and said, "ok." She stayed that night to do an activity with the youth in the branch and has met with us everyday and came again, of course, on Sunday. There was that baptism from the Orhei branch. She was so touched again by it! She told me "every time there is a baptism and I just feel so good and I can not even imagine what it will be like next week when that is me!" Who are these people?? She is amazing. She loves church, she loves the gospel, she loves God, she loves Joseph Smith and she is getting baptized on Sunday.

Mission Miracle of Elder Christopher Cantlon

I would like to share an experience that happened Saturday. There were many miracles that took place on Saturday. Elder Grant and I had an amazing morning planning session and we wanted to use the Book of Mormon and give one away in the blocs that evening. We focused on three questions of the soul one of which was “Does life exist after death? Next to the questions we came up with a few verses from the Book of Mormon. The answer to this question we decided would be Alma 40:11-12. It was now past 8 and we had no time to go the blocs before but we felt inclined to go and at least try even though it was late. The second door we knocked on let us in and we had the most amazing first lesson with a family that either one of us has ever had. They accepted the Book of Mormon and we have a return appointment tomorrow evening and we are bringing a family. It was truly miracle. The lesson was only 20 minutes long but the spirit was so strong and it was an amazing family. I truly know because we prepared the Lord provided a family for us to teach. I truly know the Book of Mormon can change lives. I am so excited to go and teach them tomorrow. I am so grateful for each and every blessing the Lord pours down upon us, His children.

I am so excited for this transfer. I know miracles are going to happen in the mission.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mission Miracle from Elder Alex Jepsen

It does feel like there is a plan in all this struggling, and that there will be miracles brought forth. On Sunday, Lidia bore her testimony about Priesthood blessings because we had give Adi, her nephew, a blessing about a week and 1/2 earlier. As you know they are a huge family and only Lidia, Roxi, and her inactive father are members. The nephew had been having an unceasing string of seizures and finally had worn out his body and was asleep. We went over and his mom, who isn't a member, who was so emotionally worn out asked us to give him a blessing while he slept. She listened to the blessing along with Lidia and Alinuta, her 7 year old niece as we blessed him that his current sickness was for both his and his family's good, and would not last "but a moment". The next day it got worse, and he got put in the hospital for about a week. The doctors were scared that they would have nothing to do, but last Friday and Saturday he simply returned to his normal state. He returned just as he was before. The doctors were amazed and let him return home. Lidia and his mom were watching at home as he played just like before saying "how did he get back the same, this is amazing?" It was then the little girl Alinuta who said (not remembering our names) "Remember those missionaries? They said it would only be for a short time that he would be sick, that's why he's back to normal!" They had both forgotten that and were stunned at the wisdom of the little girl. Healing really does happen now, and is a sign of the complete healing that will happen when the Savior comes again. It was really special experience.