Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mission Miracle from Elder Truedsan Sandberg

August 19, 2009

We had a neat experience this week with a new investigator. We had met a young man on the street early on in the week and had set up a meeting with him and his parents for later on in the week. When we arrived at his home no one answered. We were a little discouraged and turned to leave. As we were exiting the bloc a man stopped us, shook our hands, and introduced himself. In our shock, we said hello and kept walking. Once we were outside we looked at each other wondering who that guy was. We wondered if he was a member or something but decided against that. We were about 50 meters away from the block when Elder Zemp turned to me and said, "man, God is probably shaking his head at us right now and saying there goes another baptismal date." At which I said, "what do we have to lose--- let's go back." We went back, but to our dismay the door was locked. We turned around thinking well at least we did our part when the door opened and the man called us back. He asked if we wanted in and we told him we had actually come back to talk to him. At that point he was beaming and began to tell us about how he had been looking for a place to be baptized and how we had come at "timpul potrivit." He invited us in to his apartment and we had a great lesson and gave him and his sister a tentative baptismal date at the end. We're hoping to solidify this date at our next appointment with them. It was a reminder to me about how the promptings of the spirit work and the need for us to always be attentive to the still small voice.


Beatriz Z Campbell said...

love ,missionary from Romania

Beatriz Z Campbell said...

That pic is from my return missionary.
He marries 4 years ago,have one boy and another come in July ( is a boy too.)Marta,live in Utah marries and will be have in Aug a boy too.(she when to the mission in Romania2 year ago.