Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mission Miracle from Sora Danielle Jones

September 4, 2009

This week was definitely a week full of miracles. It started earlier in the week when we met with a man that we had contacted the week before. His name is Daniel. We took a member with us and the lesson went really well. The miracle part was that at first his mother was closed and a little hesitant with us and interrupted a lot to talk to the member. But after some discussion she started listening really intently and they both listened really well to the First Vision. At the end of the lesson Maria, the mom was asking us about church and said they would be there if nothing interferes and that they would bring her daughter as well. Then the member offered to give them a drive to church because he lived really close. Really great lesson and really great people to work with. Sad part is that some visitors came over so they couldn't come to church, but we will get them there next week!

The second miracle is my favorite. It happened Saturday night. The Assistants dropped us off in the area where we had planned block knocking the night before. We walked a little way down and Sora Slaeman decided on a block. We got in and no one responded in the first few doors. Then on the fourth door a lady answered and got really mad at us and told us to leave urgently. We just moved to the next door down the stairs but she didn't like that so she came out and pushed us down the stairs and out the door.

Well, we had more time so we just went to see if we could get into the next set of doors. The first door that we rang into the lady asked us who we were and we told her that we are the LDS missionaries. She said, "Ok. I'll let you in but just come up to my door don't knock on any other door." So we went up and she let us in. I was a little hesitant because I have had situations like this. They let you in and then realize you aren't who they thought you were and kick you out. But that is not what Florica did. She had us sit down and gave us some nice fruit tea and told us why she let us in.

She said that just over a year ago she and her son had gone on a three week tour of the USA. For a couple of days they stayed at an LDS family's home in Dallas. They really liked that family and promised that when they go back and the missionaries from the LDS church knock on her door she would let them in. And so just over a year later that is exactly what she did. We gave her a lesson on the Book of Mormon and gave her one. We are expecting good things coming from them.

Ok third miracle story of the week happened yesterday. Sora Crista brought a life long friend to church. She loved it and invited us over for lunch after church. She speaks amazing english so we talked the whole time in english. Then her son showed up and we had an amazing lesson with them. They are really open people ready to learn.

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